Hawaii: The Most Digitally Ready State in the Country.
Our goal is for Hawaii to be at the forefront of digital literacy, equity, and readiness nationwide. We believe that digital readiness is one of the ways Hawaii can have a more resilient economy and deeply connected communities.

Our Community Friends and Partners

“Only 30% Of Our State Workforce Can Pass The Basic Computer Literacy Exam”
The numbers are even lower among our kūpuna. Interestingly, even though our keiki and younger generations are the most “online” group ever, the data shows a concerning lack of computer skills and digital literacy in areas that support job skills, upward financial mobility and general economic development for our state.
How You Can Help:
After educating and giving free devices to over 2,000 people through our flagship basic computer class, Computers001 we are now actively seeking help.
If you’re interested in getting involved we have multiple ways for you to do so! Click any of the tabs below to learn more, then fill out of contact form below. Mahalo for joining the fight against digital inequality!
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Where We’ve Done Classes

Digital resilience involved teaching people not just how to use a computer, but how to learn ON a computer.
— Ka’ala Souza